Traver REALbasic for Windows: The Blog

REALbasic discussion and programs specifically for Windows (and some discussion of differences between REALbasic and Visual Basic).

Monday, January 16, 2006

Mini AVPlayer for Windows Using API Calls

Traver Mini AV player (only for the Windows version of REALbasic) is a very simple media player that can play many standard audio and video files, including .mid or .midi, .mp3, .wav, .avi, and .mpg files as well as audio CD's.

The Windows Media Player must be installed on your computer for the RB program to work, since the RB program uses a mciSendString API call to get an invisible Windows Media Player to perform the task.

The program is "bare bones," so it's an easy-to-understand foundation on which to build or from which to extract the relevant code for your use in other REALbasic programs for Windows.

Using mciSendString, you can make use of many different CommandStrings to expand and improve this program greatly (e.g., you may want to do things like "pause" or "rewind"), but I'll leave you to do your own research on that.

IMPORTANT: This new version removes a bug that prevented the earlier version from working properly. Enjoy!

Barry Traver

P.S. You can get the source code here:

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